At tonight's boys basketball game in the Raider dome the Raider Force Pep Band will wrap up another season of rowdiness! Mr. Haigh has received many compliments from parents and other patrons showing appreciation for the many games where the band has performed. As your director, I am proud of your performances at most games. It is a lot to ask of a few of you to place a higher priority to this endeavor due to your role in the group. So a shout out to Jay Garrett for the dedication of your time and talents on the Drums! Also, a shout out to Colin Sackett, (nicknamed the assistant director) for your talent on the Bass guitar! A strong rhythm section as both of you know is the foundation to a great sound. So, THANK YOU. We are at our best when you show up and play well.
Several members committed to playing at every scheduled event whenever possible. So a shout out to Danika Harris, Joseph McElhaney, Mark Geisel, Matt Geisel, and Vaughn Drennen! That is not easy to do as we play at 14+ games each year. Also, I would like to say thanks to Donita Harris for being our equipment manager. So, to everyone we say, see you next year in the Raider Dome!