It has been said that if you want to see a person's priorities you can look at two things.. their budget and their calendar! Ok, so admittedly I have never heard the calendar part before, but it's true. At the top of my budget, or near it, I have a budget line for Charitable giving, because I value and place a priority on giving back a share of what God has blessed me with. Similarly, my calendar is full of events centered around school activities. Granted, these activities, put a roof over my family's head and food on the table, so it darn well better be a priority for me right? Ok, where is Mr. Haigh headed with all of this?
So, here it is. I want to express sincere gratitude for everyone involved with making the SW Commencement ceremony special for a lot of people. Though for most, budget was not an issue for it. Although, maybe a special outfit was purchased, etc. But, for many in the music department (students and parents) it was a commitment on their calendar to take a couple of days out of their summer activities to perform at the ceremony thereby creating a nice way to honor the SW Graduating Class of 2017 at their commencement. Mr. Oleson and Mr. Stauffer put in some extra hours in the pre-event planning and organization. Our administration, school board, and teaching staff took some time out their lives to honor the event as well. To SW Principal, Mr. Yencer, we appreciate your support and care for the music department over the years. All this after "kicking you out of the band" in high school. I am glad you didn't hold it against me. Yes, you have told that joke so many times, I am just going to own it, ok?
Some other specific thanks goes to the band members for setting things up for us at the beginning of our rehearsal time on Saturday morning. Thank you Peggy Haigh for picking up the lunch and delivering to the school at the conclusion of that rehearsal. While I am thanking Music Department supporters, let me mention a couple more people. Kelli Schriver and Janetta Grover have been our food prep gurus and Booster officeholders for that last 7+ years as their two kids (members of the Class of 2017) have moved through the program. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help and support over the years. YOU WILL BE MISSED! So, back to my point about priorities, at some level, all of the people mentioned here have made Music at Southern Wells a priority! This priority is reflected both in their calendars and in their budgets. Time is money as they say.