Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Why Final Exams!! ... a teacher's perspective

The purpose of a final exam in any class has many uses.  Students should try not view it with stress.  Sure, your grade will be affected by the results.  But, when viewed through the following lens, it is a valuable experience and provides vital feedback.  Mr. Haigh chooses to look at it as an opportunity to evaluate his own teaching and the information and the abilities that have been imparted to his students.  He assigns a grade to it because that provides the extrinsic motivation to those being evaluated to do their best to interact and learn the material and skills being presented. Words spoken by a teacher, "This will be on the test" is often a clue to the learner that it is important enough to the teacher to assess it at the end of the unit.  The state DOE provides standards to all subject areas to provide the same clue to teachers and students that the material is deemed important to success in learning a discipline of study.  So, as you prepare to take your finals view the process as a way to look back on everything you learned throughout the course.  And, yes it will likely provide feedback to you (and the teacher) about all things that we could have learned more thoroughly.  Good luck this week.

Monday, November 6, 2017

URGENT: Century Resources Fundraiser Pick Up Postponed

The items from the fund raiser with Century Resources for the music department will be arriving on Thursday!  This was at my request when I was not sure what our power situation was going to be be both the school and individuals who participated in the sale.  This was a huge request of the company for which I am very grateful. This is close to $10,000 worth of perishable food items that was originally going to be delivered to the school on Tuesday afternoon.  All other details of pickup will remain unchanged only the day is affected.

Plan to pick up your fund raiser items anytime Thursday afternoon by 5:30 PM in the high school music room.  Deliver to your customers and collect money from them promptly following.

And, thanks for you participation in the sale.

Mr. Haigh

Saturday, October 21, 2017

End of 1st Nine Weeks

Members of the JH Choir & Your parents,

As most of you are aware, the large size of our Junior High Choir has been both a blessing and a curse.  At a school the size of Southern Wells Jr High, when numbers in any organization reach a certain threshold, the quality may begin to be negatively affected.  With any organization where the size dictates a reduction in numbers to be competitive and successful, so it is with this year's Junior High choir.  We are reducing the size of our JH choir in the days following the Fall Concert.

A number of criteria are being considered to make these reductions including, but not limited to:
  • 9-Week Grades (in choir and/or overall)
  • Vocal ability
  • Maturity level
  • Group dynamic
  • Behavior & discipline
  • Attitude
Mr. Haigh is looking at this much like a director of a play or coach of a sports' team.  In the 1-2 days after the Fall concert the "cast/roster" will be set. Watch your school email to see if you will be effected and Mr. Mangus and/or Mr. Wagner will make contact with you to adjust your class schedule.

We expect great things to come, and we hope that anyone who is removed from the group due to this adjustment knows that they are cared for!  These changes are in the best interest of the entire group though unfortunate for some individuals.

Musically yours,
Mr. Haigh

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

JH Choir Numbers Adjustment

Members of the JH Choir & Your parents,

As you are probably aware, the large size of our Junior High Choir has been both a blessing and a curse.  At a school the size of Southern Wells Jr High, when numbers in any organization reach a certain threshold, the quality can begin to be negatively affected.

As with any organization where the size dictates a reduction in numbers to be competitive and successful, so it is with this year's Junior High choir.  We are reducing the size of our JH choir in the days following the Fall Concert.

A number of criteria are being considered to make these reductions including, but not limited to:

9-Week Grades
Vocal ability
Maturity level
Behavior & discipline

Mr. Haigh is looking at this much like a director of a play or coach of a sports' team.  In the 1-2 days after the Fall concert the "cast/roster" will be set.

We expect great things to come, and we hope that anyone who is removed from the group due to this adjustment knows that they are cared for!  In the future, alterations in the structure of the choral music program may better accommodate the increased interest.  But for now, these changes are in the best interest of the entire group though they may be unfortunate for some individuals.

I look forward to parent/teacher conferences.

Musically yours,

Mr. Haigh

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Football Schedule Announced

The Southern Wells home football schedule has been released. The high school marching / pep band will perform at the four home football games this season. High School band members are REQUIRED to perform.  Football players and cheerleader members of the band will be given a small alternative assignment for their grade.
The Raiders open up on Carnes field against the Jay County Patriot football team on September 1st. The complete schedule is found below:
Sep.    1 - Jay County HS
Sep.  15 - Woodlan HS
Sep.  29 - Adams Central HS
Oct.     6 - Heritage HS

Monday, June 5, 2017

We Commit to What We Value

     It has been said that if you want to see a person's priorities you can look at two things.. their budget and their calendar!  Ok, so admittedly I have never heard the calendar part before, but it's true.  At the top of my budget, or near it, I have a budget line for Charitable giving, because I value and place a priority on giving back a share of what God has blessed me with.  Similarly, my calendar is full of events centered around school activities.  Granted, these activities, put a roof over my family's head and food on the table, so it darn well better be a priority for me right?  Ok, where is Mr. Haigh headed with all of this?
     So, here it is.  I want to express sincere gratitude for everyone involved with making the SW Commencement ceremony special for a lot of people.  Though for most, budget was not an issue for it.  Although, maybe a special outfit was purchased, etc.  But, for many in the music department (students and parents) it was a commitment on their calendar to take a couple of days out of their summer activities to perform at the ceremony thereby creating a nice way to honor the SW Graduating Class of 2017 at their commencement.  Mr. Oleson and Mr. Stauffer put in some extra hours in the pre-event planning and organization.  Our administration, school board, and teaching staff took some time out their lives to honor the event as well.  To SW Principal, Mr. Yencer, we appreciate your support and care for the music department over the years.  All this after "kicking you out of the band" in high school.  I am glad you didn't hold it against me.  Yes, you have told that joke so many times, I am just going to own it, ok?
     Some other specific thanks goes to the band members for setting things up for us at the beginning of our rehearsal time on Saturday morning.  Thank you Peggy Haigh for picking up the lunch and delivering to the school at the conclusion of that rehearsal.  While I am thanking Music Department supporters, let me mention a couple more people.  Kelli Schriver and Janetta Grover have been our food prep gurus and Booster officeholders for that last 7+ years as their two kids (members of the Class of 2017) have moved through the program.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help and support over the years.  YOU WILL BE MISSED!  So, back to my point about priorities, at some level, all of the people mentioned here have made Music at Southern Wells a priority!  This priority is reflected both in their calendars and in their budgets.  Time is money as they say.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Raider Classic Steering Committee Meets

     This past Saturday, some members of the Raider Classic Steering Committee met at Carrie's Restaurant in Montpelier for breakfast and to begin discussions about this edition of Raider Classic.  Over 90% of the choir students chose this event when posed the question "What events that the choir holds each year would you definitely like to keep?  The list included every fund raising and performance event we do on an annual basis.  Raider Classic features show choirs from across the state of Indiana and Ohio.  It is always very well received by our visiting schools and their directors.  Our mission, reviewed at our first meeting, is to serve Southern Wells and its music students with an opportunity to plan and implement an event that will promote our school and serve the needs of small school/show choir programs across the state of Indiana and Midwest region of the country.  The event further provides opportunity for our students and music staff to interact with top notch musicians and programs while providing service and funding opportunities for local area businesses and school groups.  Show choir directors will receive registration information soon in order to join us for the 16th Annual Raider Classic in 2018.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Graduation 2017

     One of the the most important performances of the year for the Choirs and Band at Southern Wells are our performances at the Commencement Ceremony each year.  And, it always occurs after school is out for the summer break.  This creates challenges for us as an organization each year.  It is where we find out who our committed musicians are in the program.
     How do we keep our musical skills fine tuned and our instruments, whether it be a trumpet or the voice, in prime working order in the days between final exams and the graduation ceremony?  I encourage all of our musicians to keep in mind that our school year isn't truly over until the last tassel is turned on Sunday afternoon June 4th  Watch email, Twitter, Facebook, and Remind for reminders of that fact.
     Some things that you can do individually include drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated. This is important to vocal musicians, but is also important to healthy well being for instrumentalists as well.  Make it a point to play your music if you are in band to keep up your finger dexterity and embouchure muscles strong.  That also may include humming parts of the music that you have memorized.  Even better, get your instrument out of its case and actually play a little bit each day, more if you can.  Remember, we hope that you actually enjoy playing and singing and aren't just taking band or choir as just another class.  It is much more special than that.  Don't take it for granted!
Some dates to put on your calendar:

Sat, June 3rd - Band rehearsal - 10-11:45 AM in the gym with lunch provided at 11:30 AM.  Seniors please come          at 11:00 to practice "Groovee!"
Sun, June 4th - Graduation Day - 3:30 PM  (3:00 for band prelude concert)

I appreciate each and everyone of you and the role you play in the music department here at Southern Wells.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Spring Dinner this Saturday!!

Ticket sales have gone very well.  We have pre-sold over 425 tickets for this Saturday's dinner.  The Booster's would appreciate a few more dessert donations to go with the meal.  If you could donate one of the following to the cause, we would be grateful.

1.  Two Pies OR
2   One Sheet Cake OR
3.  One Pan of Brownies

These can be brought to the school on Saturday afternoon about 2:00 PM for a couple of our volunteers to put on serving plates.

Please reply to Mr. Haigh @ with your response.  We look forward to a fantastic evening of food and music.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Raider Classic Schedule Announced

Raider Classic Schedule has been announced. 

The solo competition schedule will be published soon.

Admission is $10.00 per person at the door.

HS Choir at Street Fair 2017

HS Choir at Street Fair 2017