Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fall Concert - Thursday

     The SW Music Department will be presenting their Fall concert this coming Thursday evening beginning at 7:00 PM. in the HS Cafetorium.
     Choir students will be wearing their new Choir shirts with jeans.  Choir students should plan to arrive at the school by 6:40 for a short vocal warmup session in the music room.  The shirts are expected to arrive at the school for distribution to the kids on Wednesday.
     Band students should arrive at 6:50 PM for their tuning and warm up.  They should plan to wear jeans and a nice shirt with a collar.  The order of the program will be as follows:
Junior High Band
Junior High Choir
High School Choir
High School Band
     Thanks to the following parents/adults for their help that evening.  Kelli Schriver, Music Room Chaperone and Jean Hughes, Sound.  We would like some help with Photography/Social Media to document the event.  A videographer would also be desired to provide material for a critique of the performance in class Friday.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

End of the Grading Period Coming Soon

     It's hard to believe that the first quarter of the 2016-17 school year is coming to a close. They say that "time flies when you are having fun,"  or that time goes faster as you get older...  I have to say that both statements ring true for me right now.  I am enjoying the year, my 31st year of teaching as much as I ever have.  It is challenging to be sure.  But, I continue to enjoy working with your kids.
     I continue to put into practice a book that I read over the summer and continue to read called "Getting Things Done."  It continues to transform how I approach projects and day to day activities.  It is a recommended read.  I have a long way to go in implementing it's practice.  But, things like a "two-minute" rule and using my mind to be creative rather than a storage bin for information have begun to transform my perspectives.
     In a couple of weeks, we will be hosting conferences with parents.  I invite all of our parents to come in to speak with our teachers.  I especially invite our music parents to speak with me about the program and your child's progress.  Conference times will be on Tuesday, October 18th from 3:30 - 7 PM and Wednesday, OCtober 19th from 8:00 AM to Noon.  Further info may be at SWRaiders.com.  Also, while there, be sure to give your input related to Mission 2020.  Use this opportunity to make your opinions heard.  I would of course encourage everyone to speak up for your support of the arts in our school.  But, most importantly your opinion is requested on every facet of our school and its future focus for the next five years.
     One highlight of the quarter included a busy week at the street fair including two performances by the Raider Force marching band and a return to the Street Fair Show Choir Show on Thursday by the HS Choir.  The food booth in its 57th year at the fair did very well with terrific weather all week.  The boosters raised about $3400.00.  Students were rewarded with $6.00 per hour worked in the booth.
     I look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

A special community

     As I reflect on the past week, I am reminded what an awesome community in which I live and work. I was reminded this past week on a couple of specific occasions.  One in the classroom and once in a much more public arena (Carnes Field).
     The first reminder was in HS choir on Thursday.  A member, of just a few short weeks was comforted by several members of the group as she shared with us that she would be leaving to return to her home state.  She had been working on a Solo to sing at our annual showcase in the Spring. However, She found out this week that she would be leaving the foster home at Southern Wells to return to her home state of Minnesota for some legal proceedings related to her guardianship.  After pouring out her heart to us, she sang a song honoring her deceased father.  She has been so hopeful to be able publicly honor her father in this way at Showcase 2017.  Her future uncertain, she wanted to share it with us before leaving.  In the moments following, several of our students reached out to her to comfort and support her in her fear.  My prayers go after her in the coming weeks as she goes through this trial in her life.  I don't know if we will ever see her again, but in that moment as their teacher, I was moved.
     The second situation happened when Sam Smith of the Raider Football team went down injured on the field.  For several minutes seeming like an eternity, the crowd, fellow players, cheerleaders and band stood silent as we were unsure what the future would hold for this young man.  We all know the risks to our bodies of playing sports, but the result of this incident and the moments that followed will remain with me for quite some time.  After several minutes, a woman from the crowd came out on the track and gathered the cheerleaders and football players together in a prayer circle where she led them in passionate pleas for Sam's protection and care as well as the comfort of family members, friends, and fellow Raiders.  Several of our students were encouraged and took up the call to pray as well during the next moments as the medical team prepared to move Sam to the ambulance for transport.  After Sam was taken off the field and the teams were preparing to finish the game some opposing players and others from Park Tudor, moved by the display, came across the field to join the circle for a brief time in prayer as well.
     I am sure that situations like these probably happen at other schools.  But, I am also sure that they aren't fostered at others.  I am extremely thankful that I work at a school where we care about our fellow students, parents, teachers, coaches, and other fellow Raiders in a manner deep enough to be there to support each other in time of trial.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Leadership and Relationships

Attention student leaders:  Here are some thoughts taken from a recent post by educator/leader George Cuoros on his blog The Principal of Change.

Things we need to consider if we want people to move forward…

1.  Are we building relationships with those that we serve and do they feel valued?
2.  Do we try to empower them and give them ownership of solutions, or do we simply ask them to implement solutions made for them?
3.  Is the “why” clearly articulated, or only the “what” and the “how”?

Mr. Haigh hopes you are enjoying your summer break!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Congrats Class of 2016 Musicians

Class of 2016 Graduation:  Music Information
    I am a bit nervous about performing this year at Graduation.  The kids will have had very limited amount of rehearsal time since school released on May 20.  Sure, we have the annual Commencement band rehearsal the day before where we spend a fair amount of time setting up chairs and equipment, having lunch one final time together with graduating seniors.  I just hope in the future that the calendar will work out such that graduation will be soon after the final day of school.
     CHOIR MEMBERS: taking this into account, it is the situation we are faced with this year.  Choir members should plan to get together at the school for some practices.  Graduation weekend, on Friday, June 3rd, 10-11:00 AM. we will practice at the school.  We are singing the National Anthem and our Senior Farewell Song, Unwritten.  We will have another practice at the school on Saturday, June 4th from 12-1 PM.  Report time graduation day, is unchanged as previously announced with a paper passed out near the end of class 5th period.  Report on June 5th at 2:30 PM.  Dress is formal.

     BAND MEMBERS:  Our information related to graduation is essentially unchanged Commencement rehearsal on Saturday, June 4, from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm.  Seniors come for a run through of your piece, Back to the Future, at 11:15 am with lunch following.  Dress for band members is formal Black and White.

     I am excited about this day for our graduating seniors, Kyra Catterson, Kayla Neuenschwander, Lori Pluimer, Ben Shaffer, and Nick Gatto.  You will be missed.  We wish you well in future endeavors!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Thank YOU!

     Mr. Haigh would like to thank everyone for their time and energy this past weekend for the Annual Spring Dinner.  We served approximately 550 people with AYCE Fish and Chicken and musical entertainment.  A parent meeting will be held on Tuesday evening to debrief the event to make it even better!  The individuals responsible are too numerous to mention.  But, know that Mr. Haigh and Mrs. Hughes appreciate each and everyone of you for your help!  We felt like the desserts were extra special this year!  Thank you for your expertise with sweet baked concoctions.
     A financial report will be available at the May booster meeting after all expenses have been determined.  Several businesses sponsored the event as well.  The businesses include Pumpkin Kingdom, Ellenberger Auctions, Kiel Services, Frosty's of Montpelier, PTM Engraving, Herman Chiropractic, Ag Best (Gaston, Hartford City, & Dunkirk), Wilson Auto Parts, Reynolds Farm Equipment, JR Flooring, Ramseyer Excavating, Erica Pluimer (Tupperware Consultant), and Citizen's State Bank.  Thanks to all of these business for their support of our programs.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Worker Schedule and Job Assignments

The music boosters would like to thank those of you who have signed up to volunteer your energy to helping out with this fund raising dinner.  The following link is for you to confirm that we have you scheduled to help us out and the area in which you will be assisting us.  LINK

HS Band (pictured left) will be performing at 5:00 PM.  All other SW music groups will be performing during the evening as well.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Choir Memo

There are some events coming up and some information to be disseminated to our choir families.  Please add the events and act on those items that need acted upon. Choir Memo  During class this afternoon, a printed copy will be passed out to better promulgate the information to students.  Yes, I did use a thesaurus to write this post!  Happy weekend everyone.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Boosters Try a New Fundraiser

The Music Boosters decided to try a new fund raising event this year.  Tupperware Bingo!  About 50 people showed up this past Saturday to have some fun playing Bingo and raising money for the Music department through our parent group SW Music Boosters.  Independent Tupperware representative, Erica Pluimer, assisted us with the event.

Over $600.00 was raised at the event.  Assorted items were raffled as well as the over $550.00 worth of Tupperware.  Thanks go to Kelli Schriver, booster president, Donna Geisel, treasurer, and Janetta Grover, member at large for their assistance with the event.  Also, thanks go to Hayley Grover for assisting with the day as caller's assistant.

The next Booster event is our Spring Fish/Chicken Dinner catered by Dan's Fry Service and featuring performances by our Music Department's performing groups.  That event will be held, Saturday, April 9, 2016 with meals serving from 4:00-7:30 PM.  Ticket prices will be announced soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Winter Band Festival 2016

I haven't been more pleased with an appearance by the Southern Wells Band in awhile.  Our HS band students represented me, the music department, their parents and Southern Wells HS well.  And, I couldn't be more proud as their director!

The Winter Band Festival event held annually at about this time of the year is a collaborative effort between S. Adams, Bellmont, and Southern Wells bands.  It is hosted by the South Adams Band and their director, Curt Amstutz.  The South Adams music program is quality from top to bottom, and we appreciate their graciousness in hosting our group each year.  This is our music student's opportunity to do several things.  Work on and perform a variety of literature not possible with our smaller band program.  Also, it is an opportunity to perform in a very fine venue that is the South Adams Auditorium.  Finally, and not least important is to rehearse and perform under the direction of a fine conductor from an area university program.

This year's clinician/conductor was Mr. Michael Flanagin from Indiana Wesleyan University.  The program included a piece performed by each school following by the performance of four combined pieces.  Mr. Haigh would like to thank our administration for supporting the event by allowing us to make the "field trip" to rehearse for the day with the other 2 schools.  I also want to thank the parents of the HS band members for supporting their student through attendance at the concert.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Revised Calendar of Events

Managing all of the events for the HS Music Department is always exciting!  After looking at the coming weeks, I have revised the schedule from that published at he beginning of the year.  Some highlights of the changes include:

  1. Var. Girls Play Eastbrook on January 9th.  The band will NOT play at this game, but instead will play at the ACAC tournament game hosted in the Raider Dome on the following Tuesday.
  2. The January monthly scheduled Parent Meeting will need to be postponed due to the tournament.
  3. Pep Band add Tuesday, Jan 12th to your calendar ACAC tournament games 6/7:30
  4. HS, JH, and InHarmony Choirs move Showcase from May date to April 30th.
For your own copy of the revised and unchanged events, pick one up in the HS Music Room or print a pdf copy here.

HS Choir at Street Fair 2017

HS Choir at Street Fair 2017